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Cloudflare DNS not accepting my AWS Workmail MX Value


I am moving my email away from godaddy to AWS workmail for my domain. My domain is still registered at godaddy with DNS at Cloudflare. I get the following error message "DNS Validation Error (Code: 1004) Content for MX record must be a hostname." When adding the MX value given my AWs workmail to my cloudflare DNS. Below is the value from from AWS.

10 inbound-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.

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You may be putting the 10 into the wrong box, please set the Name to @ and the Priority to 10. See below for an example: Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thanks! that seemed to have worked. I looked all over the internet and I couldn't find that simple fix anywhere.


After searching everywhere on the internet for a solution to my issue, I finally found a simple fix that worked!

beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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