Enable dynamodb stream for an existing dynamodb table



I would like to enable dynamodb stream on an existing dynamodb table using cloudformation template.

I searched but could not find anything in this regard. I see there is way to enable dynamodb stream for an existing table using console but couldn't find any way to achieve same using cloudformation template. Can you help with this .

gefragt vor 2 Jahren2911 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi, For this you can simply add the StreamSpecification parameter to your table and update the stack:

"StreamSpecification": {
          "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"

A sample table with Stream included:

  "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  "Resources": {
    "myDynamoDBTable": {
      "Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
      "Properties": {
        "AttributeDefinitions": [
            "AttributeName": "id",
            "AttributeType": "S"
            "AttributeName": "name",
            "AttributeType": "S"
        "KeySchema": [
            "AttributeName": "id",
            "KeyType": "HASH"
        "BillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
        "TableName": "testcfn",
        "StreamSpecification": {
          "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Hi, As mentioned in the original post that the table is pre-existing.

    Maybe I should have mentioned that the table is pre-existing and is not managed by cloudformation and is created manually by another team.

    I need to enable the dynamodb stream option for this table using cloud formation. Let me know if any other information is required.

  • Yes, this is for pre-existing, you update the stack. What you failed to mention was that the table did not already belong to a stack. In that case you should use CFN Import Resource tool to import the table to a stack, then add the stream in an subsequent update.


Hi Leeroy Hannigan , As per the link you shared , for importing the existing resources into CloudFormation management: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/resource-import.html, It doesn't seem to explain an option to import through **CDK ** . how can we achieve that through CDK? In my case here, I created a new pipeline app, stack through CDK for an account thats holding manually created DDB Tables. i would want to import existing DDB tables that were created manually on console and enable stream on these tables. could you please guide me here?

beantwortet vor 6 Monaten

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