Is it possible to calculate the cost of all instances in the autoscale group ?


Hi there,

I have several autoscale groups, would like to know each of these group's cost.

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

You can now add up to 10 tags to any of your Auto Scaling Groups. You can also, if you’d like, propagate the tags to the EC2 instances launched from your groups.

Learn how to add tags to your Auto Scaling Groups here.

Adding tags to your Auto Scaling groups will make it easier for you to identify and distinguish them.

You can then use cost explorer to identify the resource and check how much you are paying for them.

Visit this blog to learn how to gain more granular cost visibility using tags

David C
beantwortet vor 8 Monaten
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überprüft vor 5 Monaten
  • If you're using Auto Scaling Groups, cost allocation tags are already available to you, though they are not activated by default. In the Cost Allocation Tags section of the Billing Console, you can click on the "AWS generated cost allocation tags" tab, and enable the tag key called aws:autoscaling:groupName.

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