I am not able to find this solution in sagemaker jumpstart


Link for the post: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/build-custom-amazon-sagemaker-pytorch-models-for-real-time-handwriting-text-recognition/ I am unable to find this in sagemaker jumpstart. Please guide me through this.

  • Can confirm it appears for me in JumpStart search. Are you able to see other JumpStart solutions like Document Understanding & Credit Rating and just this is missing? Or are you not able to see any at all? As a first idea if only this one is missing, I would suggest closing and restarting your JupyterServer/default app might help if you've not done it for a long time (File > Shut Down, or by clicking on your username in the AWS Console for SageMaker Studio and deleting the 'default' app)

1 Antwort

I can confirm that the solution is available in JumpStart. Can I ask what steps you have undertaken to find the solution?

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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