Task stopped with No supported plugins found on source error


we are facing an issue with DMS. We are trying to migrate a Postgresql RDS 9.5.15 database to a Postgresql RDS 10.6 Database on two AWS different accounts.

I've created 5 tasks for 5 sets of tables, the initial loading ran successfully but 2 of the 5 tasks have stopped with the "No supported plugins found on source".

Source Endpoint ARN :


Target Endpoint ARN :


The two failed tasks ARN are arn:aws:dms:eu-central-1:815819815090:task:627LGUDZC5SY72TYPSQCZHAYHM and


Before created the task, I set rds.logical_replication on the source RDS server and reboot it successfully.

On the source server, I can see 5 replication slots in the pg_replication_slots Postgres view, but only 3 on 5 are active.

I can't understand the problem, and I would be very grateful if someone can help me.

Thanks in advance


gefragt vor 5 Jahren1002 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

So I will answer myself.

I had 5 DMS tasks with 5 logical replication slots in PG (one for each task, according to the Cloudwatch logs). But DMS said that "all slots are in use" which was wrong.

As 2 of my tasks didn't need to be set as CDC, I deleted these and keep three tasks. Then I deleted the two unnecessary logical slots in PG (with a select pg_drop_replication_slot(XXX)). Finally, I was able to resume my two failed tasks and they are running now.

So my guess is that unlike the doc said (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Source.PostgreSQL.html#CHAP_Source.PostgreSQL.Prerequisites), you don't need 5 replication slots for 5 tasks but more. I think I perhaps could have changed the max_replication_slots of the source server, but as I can't reboot it again, it couldn't be a solution.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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