Try to migrate from POstgres 9.6.24 to 10



I would like to update my current Postgres database from version 9.6.24 to 10.19. When update is done, I see precheck log file that indicates migration failure because of Postgis extension. Current POstgis extension is 2.5.5 in my 9.6.24 Postgres database. Do you have any idea how to manage this issue ? I use this extension in my database so I can't delete this extension ( because has I understand this will delete associated column in my database). Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards

1 Antwort

It looks like that you might have to upgrade the Postgis extension first. This blog post should help you-

I strongly recommend you to test the approach on a TEST database first.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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