How to get back into Lightsail server?


I created a Lightsail instance with a Windows image, I had some issues with an application so I restarted the server, and now I get this error: Password not available Your password isn't available yet. Please try again later.

I did create another snapshot to try and backdoor the issue; However, I was met with this message: Sorry, you've either reached or will exceed your maximum limit of instances of this Lightsail plan size. Please try a smaller plan size or fewer number of instances or contact Customer Support if you need to use the same.

Please Help

gefragt vor einem Jahr204 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

We're aware this issue can happen when the Windows Instance is not prepared for snapshot with Sysprep. Please follow the below document to create the Windows snapshot, in order for the newly created instance from the snapshot to have a completely new password:

For the second issue, please contact customer support to help you with increasing the maximum limit of instances you can create. Thanks.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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