Pinpoint Campaigns/Segments


Our current application (non AWS Pinpoint) adds phone numbers and product types to a list when a contact is created. Depending on the product type, an SMS Cadence is created for that phone number. The SMS Cadence could be different messaging sent over a series of days: Day 1 - 'Hey Bob, thank you for registering with us. Give us a call at 999-999-9999 for more information.' Day2 - 'Bob, we have some questions about your registration. Please call 999-999-9999 so we can get you to the next step.' Day x - 'akjsrnvjnv'

It looks like the Segment is the number storage and the Campaign appears to be the Messaging with templates. What I don't see is the ability to add different messages across time.

Is Pinpoint the correct product to replicate my current functionality?

gefragt vor 3 Monaten87 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


We can make use of amazon pinpoint for the above use-case. Firstly as I understand, you want to send different messages to same recipient number. If yes, then we can create a segment which can represent one set of recipients, create a campaign for each unique message and schedule them to target segment. [+]. Campaigns:- [+]. Segment:- [+]. Choose when to send the campaign: [+]. Journeys:-

In addition to this, if you have any other queries, I would request you to please reach out to Solutions Architect. you can reach out to them via our Sales team[+]. [+]. AWS Sales & Business Development -

Thank you!

beantwortet vor 3 Monaten

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