Bill for 'Amazon Lightsail EUW2-SnapshotUsage', but I have no snapshots


Hi, I got bill for Lightsail snapshot: Enter image description here But I have no snapshots: Enter image description here How to remove it, I dont want pay for non existing snapshots.

gefragt vor einem Jahr333 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

The following AWS CLI commands may be used to check.

aws lightsail get-instance-snapshots --region eu-west-2

In the case of a disk snapshot, the following command would be used to check it.

aws lightsail get-disk-snapshots --region eu-west-2

If an instance snapshot is found, delete it with the following command.

aws lightsail delete-instance-snapshot --instance-snapshot-name "instance-snapshot-name" --region eu-west-2

If a disk snapshot is found, delete it with the following command.

aws lightsail delete-disk-snapshot --disk-snapshot-name "disk-snapshot-name" --region eu-west-2

The commands can be executed with CloudShell.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Here results:

aws lightsail get-instance-snapshots --region eu-west-2 --profile 8cells
    "instanceSnapshots": []
aws lightsail get-disk-snapshots --region eu-west-2 --profile 8cells
    "diskSnapshots": []

And I am still see daily 0.01$ cost for $0.05 / GB-Month of stored snapshot data - Europe (London) 0.585 GB-Mo

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

You may want to check with AWS Support by opening a case with "Account and billing".

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