How to enable masking of PII in logs that's URL encoded


In Cloudwatch Logs, we've enabled masking of email addresses via arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/EmailAddress

However, we're still seeing emails in the code if they have been URL-encoded. e.g.

How do I enable the masking of these values? Please note that we are unable to URL decode the value since it's not under our control.

If this is not supported, I think it's either a defect or a feature request.

Thank you.

gefragt vor 8 Monaten170 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


You are right the pattern of email model could be enhanced to supported encoded email addresses.

The best is to open a ticket from your AWS account console: service teams are not supposed to monitor re:Post to see feature requests / bug reports.



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beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

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