Error trying to create Comprehend Flywheel : ModelType field shouldn't be provided if ActiveModelArn is provided


I've created a custom classifier from an S3 bucket. I want to create a flywheel so I can introduce new datasets. I'm using the console, not cli. I created an empty bucket in S3 and I choose that bucket for the output. For IAM new role I am Root. Create goes through the IAM part and then back to Create with the error message FLYWHEEL_UNEXPECTED_FIELDS_PROVIDED_WITH_ACTIVE_MODEL: ModelType field shouldn't be provided if ActiveModelArn is provided.

I have not found that message on a google search or anywhere else. My original input file was a csv file and I chose split to divide 10% as test.

  • I was able to create the flywheel using the CLI

  • I think the error message is a red herring. I've been able to start creating the flywheel using CLI, but it fails with the message NO_WRITE_ACCESS_TO_OUTPUT: The provided data access role does not have write access to the output S3 URI. I created a policy to the bucket but that seems to not be enough. I'm logged in as Root, so. thought I would have all rights to do this.

gefragt vor einem Jahr391 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Added a new policy with complete access to S3 and then added that policy to the role I had created for Comprehend that that worked.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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