Getting Healthcheck failure for Target group with error code 403


We are trying to convert http to https using Application Load Balancer, on Unix machine. We have an instance that's running healthy. Under Load Balancer target group, we are getting healthcheck error. Route 53 responds fine with UDP Protocall. How do we solve it?

gefragt vor 10 Monaten454 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Are you placing the necessary contents in EC2 to respond to the health check path?
For example, the health check will fail if there are no files in "/var/www/html/" for the default Apache document root.
Check if a file such as "index.html" exists in the health check path.

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beantwortet vor 10 Monaten
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überprüft vor 10 Monaten
  • As per Riku, 403 is forbidden. Which ever page you are using as a health check is not allowed. You need a valid URL


Yes, we are placing necessary content onto healthcheck path. it's an HTML file /AWShealthcheck.html and when you post the url for healthcheck file, it works.

When I check my domain on it returns Public IP, related to the EC2 instance. When I type my domain on a browser, it adds https in the front. however, it times out.

We also created a Healthcheck using Route53 and that's also failing.

beantwortet vor 10 Monaten

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