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Whitelisting IP or URL for Transfer Family AS2 connector


Hi all,

I'm using the AWS Transfer Family service to transfer files using the AS2 protocol, and I'm having trouble whitelisting an IP or URL for the connector used by the service. Specifically, the connector does not have a static IP address, so I'm not sure what IP or URL I should whitelist on my partner's AS2 server.

I found a list of all the IP ranges used by AWS services at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html, but I'm not sure which IP ranges I should put on the whitelist for the Transfer Family AS2 service connector. Is there a specific IP range or URL that I should whitellist for this purpose? Or is there a different approach I should take to configure network security rules for the connector?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Hi AWS, this is an urgent requirement for us, we are migrating off a legacy AS2 service and partners in Europe require a static IP.

    Is there anything we can do to accelerate or get early access to this feature?

4 Antworten

Hello, patleung! We are currently working on supporting static IPs for our AS2 and SFTP Connectors. Each connector will have 3 static IPs that can be shared with your external partners for purposes of firewall allow listing.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
Akzeptierte Antwort

Hi Max,

We're currently working on a solution that should help you achieve a static IP for your outbound connectors. Could you email me and we can setup a call?


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hello AWSTransferFamily, Max

Are you able to share more details about this solution? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi patleung, we will have static IPs associated with every AS2 and SFTP connector, allowing you to share those static IPs with your partners for purposes of allow-listing your connection requests. More details will be shared publicly in the coming months.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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