SES Temporary Burst Limits for Initial Service Launch


We intend to use Simple Email Service for sending account activation emails for a globally available service. The standard limit of 14 sends / second should be plenty for regular usage - but we expect there to be a large influx if new users when we first open the system and are concerned the SES limits will be a bottleneck. What's the best way to ensure SES can handle this initial spike in registrations? Are there burst limits available? Do we simply need to ask for a larger quota? Or will we have no choice but to perform rate limiting for our initial launch? Thanks!

1 Antwort
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It may be a good idea to apply for service quotas from the AWS console before starting the service.
I don't think Amazon SES has any burst restrictions.

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beantwortet vor 3 Monaten
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten
  • Ahhhh, thank you! This is extremely good to know!

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