Cloudformation Stack can't build from Serverless


Hii, i am deploying my serverless app through "sls deploy --verbose --debug='*'" commad,

i have in my serverless.yml file is like service: user-service frameworkVersion: '3'

useDotenv: true // for utilizing local environment file

provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs16.x versionFunctions: true stage: "dev" region: eu-central-1 httpApi: cors: true environment: SNS_TOPIC: { Ref: CustomerTopic } // SNS Topic iam: role: statements: - Effect: "Allow" Action: - "sns:Publish" Resource: - !Ref CustomerTopic

custome: stage: "dev" serverless-offline: httpPort: 4000 lambdaPort: 4002

functions: signup: handler: app/handler.Signup timeout: 60 events: - httpApi: path: /signup method: post plugins:

  • serverless-offline
  • serverless-plugin-typescript
  • serverless-plugin-optimize

// package: // individually: true

resources: Resources: CustomerTopic: Type: AWS::SNS::Topic Properties: DisplayName: "customer sns topic description" TopicName: CustomerTopic // output for later usages Outputs: CustomerTopicInfo: Description: customer-topic Value: !Ref CustomerTopic Export: Name: customer-topic

but it giving me error like × Stack user-service-dev failed to deploy (303s) Environment: win32, node 18.17.0, framework 3.35.2 (local), plugin 7.0.5, SDK 4.4.0 Credentials: Local, environment variables
Docs: Support: Bugs:

Error: Stack:arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:220654987418:stack/user-service-dev/42a40ed0-5b85-11ee-85aa-0a5f7d47e919 is in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state and can not be updated.

i have check my Cloudformation console too, but i was not found joy, because there was no stack name with user-service-dev....

(I have tried this 5-6 times, in mean time at once i have **kill terminal **abruptly while it was deplying, from then above issue is happing)

so can you help me to solve this issue , Please Enter image description here

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