IP Address tied to my account. Can't release it


Hello, I have a very old IP address that was allocated to my account in 2009. I would like to release it but, I can't as it is locked to my account. "The address with allocation id [eipalloc-036785d878a78461a] " Can someone from AWS Support help me with this please? Thanks, Mike

gefragt vor einem Jahr245 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Did you try to release ip address from VPC console instead of EC2 console.

Login to your AWS account, use this link to put a request.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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überprüft vor 2 Monaten
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überprüft vor einem Jahr
  • The IP address was created long before the VPC's came into play. And I have not setup the VPC IP Address Manager for any of my VPC's or IP's

  • Use the link, which I shared.

  • OK, I paid a little more attention this time and submitted the IP address for removal via that link but, that was for email / rdns which I don't think I ever had set up on that IP address before (but, I could be wrong, it's been there for so long)

  • Have you submitted? It won't be immediate.

  • Yes, I did.

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