Integrating Lambda to Check Do Not Call List in Amazon Pinpoint Journey


I have a segment in Pinpoint with endpoints containing custom attributes, including address and voice as the channel type. My goal is to use this segment in our Pinpoint journey to run an outbound campaign in Connect using the Connect Outbound Campaign feature.

Before executing the campaign for all endpoints in the journey, I want to configure a Lambda function to check whether the address is stored in our Do Not Call DynamoDB table. This way, we can avoid calling users who are on the Do Not Call list.

We've attempted various scenarios of integrating the Lambda function into our journey, configuring "yes" or "no" branches. However, in the "yes" scenario, we encounter an issue where the call to the Connect contact center is triggered successfully.

Could you please provide guidance on how to properly configure this setup? We want to ensure that the Lambda function effectively checks the Do Not Call list and prevents calls to users on that list.Enter image description here

gefragt vor 5 Monaten223 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hello Kapil,

I understand you are trying to integrate a Lambda function into your Pinpoint journey to check if a user is on the Do Not Call list before initiating an outbound campaign through Connect. Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can set up this integration:

  1. Write a Lambda function in your preferred language (Node.js, Python, etc.) that checks whether a given address (phone number or other identifier) is in the Do Not Call DynamoDB table.
  2. Make sure your Lambda function returns a response indicating whether the user is on the Do Not Call list or not.


  1. In your Pinpoint journey, add a Yes/No split activity right before the Connect outbound campaign activity.
  2. Connect the Yes/No split activity to the Lambda function by selecting "Check Do Not Call List".
  3. In the split configuration, use the Lambda function as the decision endpoint.
  4. Define conditions for both "Yes" and "No" outcomes based on the Lambda function response. For example, if the Lambda function indicates that the user is on the Do Not Call list, go to the "Yes" branch; otherwise, go to the "No" branch.
  5. In the "Yes" branch, add an activity that sends the user to an endpoint with a message indicating they are on the Do Not Call list. This can be an SMS or any other appropriate channel for notification.
  6. Connect No Branch to Connect Outbound Campaign Activity:
  7. In the "No" branch, connect it to the Connect outbound campaign activity. This ensures that only users not on the Do Not Call list proceed to the outbound campaign.
  8. Test the Journey:

Test the entire journey with a sample dataset that includes users both on and off the Do Not Call list. Monitor the execution of the Lambda function and the branching logic. In addition, I have found the below blogs which will give additional insights on various use cases.





If the Connect contact center is still triggered for users on the Do Not Call list, kindly review the Lambda function logs for potential issues. Ensure that the Lambda function is correctly evaluating the Do Not Call status and returning the expected results.

beantwortet vor 5 Monaten

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