Cache in AWS instance



I've created an EC2 instance and used Bitnami image.

My setup looks like this:

  • 1 EC2 instance T
  • 1 VPC
  • 1 route table (public hosting zone)
  • 1 network ACL
  • 1 elastic IP
  • 4 security groups all connected to that 1 VPC (3/4 groups are bitnami, 1 is default)
  • 1 internet gateway
  • 1 DHCP option set

I am experiencing issues which could be connected with caching. I thought that by rebooting and even stopping and re-starting the instance would clear the cache, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My question is: how can I check if there are any cache systems like CDN and how exactly I can clear the cache from the server/instance/VPC.

Admittedly, I am not an infra expert. For this reason, I'd appreciate very much precise (if possible step-by-step) instructions on how to clear the cache.

Thank you!

1 Antwort

can you elaborate what is the symptom you are facing?

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks for your reply. The issue is with translations I am doing in Loco translate, which are not reflected on the site. Workdpress theme developer tested the translation files on their system and it works. They are suspecting it is a caching issue on the server and are asking me to clear all cache. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

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