Connection to MariaDB server gets a timeout, out of nowhere.


So having made 0 changes to my MariaDB RDS instance settings, now all of a sudden I can't connect to the database whatsoever. Running my application server locally, and as well as using Sequel Pro to connect to the database server/database both fail. Again 0 changes. I have no idea where you would even begin to troubleshoot. RDS says the server is available?

gefragt vor 5 Jahren622 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Luckily I'm just working on a new side project. I didn't change the security group previously, as everything was connecting fine, but I added a rule to open up the DB completely and I can connect now. Would love an explanation how that could have changed?

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

And now it still randomly times out. Frustrating. This is just a vanilla public RDS instance.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Not positive, but I might have been DOSing the RDS instance because of a missing effect dependency. Oops. :P

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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