When isPubliclyAccessible is set to FALSE it prevents a domain name from being allocated


When attempting to create a VPC Ingress Connection for an Interface VPC Endpoint, it is required the AppRunner instance have isPubliclyAccessible set to false on the Network Configuration.

But a domain name is never allocated to the new instance after startup (aws console shows a _ link).

This prevents the VPC Ingress Connection from being created with the following error:

Attribute 'ServiceUrl' does not exist.

It is presumed creating a VPC Ingress Connection for a VPC Endpoint is the only way to have another AppRunner access an AppRunner instance (e.g. REST). If there is an alternative, please advise.

1 Antwort

Turns out the CloudFormation error log is rather non-committal on where this error was originating.

It turns out the domain name not being allocated is intentional, per another source.

But the error and deploy failure was originating from an Output Construct attempting to export the AppRunner url, which doe not exist (again, by design).

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