RDS Postgres, RDS Proxy, Read Replicas?


I have two Postgres RDS instances (Not Aurora). One is the Primary and the other is a Read Replica to that Primary. I currently use PGBouncer as a Proxy Pool for both the Primary and Replica. I note that in the documentation for RDS Proxy it does not support Replica, but it also has read only endpoints so the messaging here is confusing.

Does RDS Proxy now support Read Replicas but only through the main proxy? Does it detect that there is a Read Replica and automatically point the read only endpoint to that instance?

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Does RDS Proxy now support Read Replicas but only through the main proxy?

No, RDS Proxy does not support automatic routing to Read Replicas for non-Aurora PostgreSQL databases. You can't use RDS Proxy to automatically direct read queries to a Read Replica through the main proxy.

Does it detect that there is a Read Replica and automatically point the read only endpoint to that instance?

No, RDS Proxy does not automatically detect a Read Replica and point the read-only endpoint to that instance for non-Aurora PostgreSQL databases. This automatic detection and routing are available for Aurora databases but not for regular PostgreSQL RDS instances.

Maybe the confusion comes from the fact that RDS Proxy's read-only endpoints feature is designed for Aurora databases, not for regular PostgreSQL databases like yours. For your PostgreSQL setup, RDS Proxy won't automatically send read queries to your Read Replica. You would need to continue managing that yourself, as you currently do with PgBouncer.

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