SES sending emails at lower pace than my max rate?



I'm using SES to send mass emails, currently gradually migrating ~100K subscribers from another service.

At this point I have 7K subscribers on SES. My SES max send rate is capped at 300 email per sec. To me this means I should be able to send 7K emails within < 25 secs.

However, looking at CloudWatch reports on a 1 min interval, it looks like the sending is really taking place over almost 2 hours, at roughly 130 sends per min (or ~ 2.3 sends per sec)

That's as little as 1% of my actual max cap.

Since I plan to migrate tens of thousands of more subscribers, I need to figure out how to utilize my actual allowed send rate max. Any ideas?


gefragt vor 9 Monaten230 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi TS.

Are you sending the emails with SMTP? If so, you need to use the Amazon SES API to send email, it is the only way to achieve higher throughput. Also, note that you should have a way to control the send speed as to not exceed your limit, otherwise, the process will be throttled and you will experience delays.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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