AWS Beanstalk timeouts after 60 seconds



I have a Python Flask server running on AWS Beanstalk. It times out after 60 seconds:

504 Gateway Time-out - Nginx. 

I tried adding a .ebextensions folder in the root folder of my project that contains the In that I added a file called nginx.config with the following contents:

  - namespace: aws:elbv2:loadbalancer
    option_name: IdleTimeout
    value: 300
      mode: "644"
      owner: "root"
      group: "root"
      content: |
        client_header_timeout   300;
        client_body_timeout     300;
        send_timeout            300;
        proxy_connect_timeout   300;
        proxy_read_timeout      300;
        proxy_send_timeout      300;

It still doesn't work. Can anyone help me?

gefragt vor 5 Monaten464 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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beantwortet vor 5 Monaten
  • Hi Riku,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I am not sure what is uwgi. First time hearing it. I am using Flask with python and I am quite new to it. Do I need to set those in my nginx config? If so can you please guide me on how exactly? Do I just append it after proxy_send_timeout?

    Thank you for your help

  • I am not sure what is uwgi. First time hearing it.

    This is middleware for application servers to run Python applications.

    Do I just append it after proxy_send_timeout?

    Yes, you should just write the settings after "proxy_send_timeout".

  • HI Riku,

    Thank you for your response.

    I tried the following:

      - namespace: aws:elbv2:loadbalancer
        option_name: IdleTimeout
        value: 300
          mode: "644"
          owner: "root"
          group: "root"
          content: |
            client_header_timeout   300;
            client_body_timeout     300;
            send_timeout            300;
            proxy_connect_timeout   300;
            proxy_read_timeout      300;
            proxy_send_timeout      300;
            uwsgi_read_timeout      300;
            uwsgi_send_timeout      300;  

    It didn't work. Am I doing something wrong?

  • By the way, can you connect to ElasticBeanstalk's EC2 using SSH etc. and check if the settings are configured in "/etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.custom.conf"? If the settings are not configured, please create the ".conf" file by creating ".platform/nginx/conf.d/" instead of ".ebextensions".

  • For example, try creating a file in the ElasticBeanstalk project folder as shown below. ".platform/nginx/conf.d/nginx.custom.conf"

    client_header_timeout   300;
    client_body_timeout     300;
    send_timeout            300;
    proxy_connect_timeout   300;
    proxy_read_timeout      300;
    proxy_send_timeout      300;
    uwsgi_read_timeout      300;
    uwsgi_send_timeout      300;

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