Route 53 charge for nothing


While taking a class, I purchased a domain name through Route 53, used it for a bit, and then transferred it out of AWS. I am still getting billed $0.50/month for basically nothing. While fifty cents is not going to kill me, being billed for AWS to do nothing for me does not sit will with me. How do I fix this?

gefragt vor 9 Monaten414 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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When you register a domain with AWS Route53, it automatically creates a hosted zone for you.

It displays this information during the review and submit step of the domain registration.

"DNS management fee : Route 53 automatically creates a hosted zone for each new domain you register."

It is clearly mentioned in the documentation as well.

You are getting charged $.50 per month for the hosted zone created during domain registration process. AWS Route53 pricing information is available here

Once you delete the hosted zone you should be good. Steps to delete the public hosted zone is mentioned here

I hope this helps you with the query.

Thanks, Abhishek

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beantwortet vor 9 Monaten
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überprüft vor 9 Monaten
  • That was it. Thanks! I thought I removed all things related to the domain but missed that bit.

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