Lex V2 RecognizeText issue


Hi, Does anyone know when this error occurs? and how can we fix this?

Sometimes it happens when we use "RecognizeText" API.

Error: "Encountered resource conflict while saving session data"

gefragt vor einem Jahr324 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


While it is difficult to exactly point the issue without enough details, you will typically face this error when trying to update the same session concurrently! For example two threads are trying to update the same session at the same time or two users trying to update the same session at the same time! So, to fix this please make sure there are no concurrent updates on the session.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

I found the same issue. There were no concurrent access, but I was updating (creating) session using PutSession API call to prepare the lex bot, wait for this API to return and then immediately using RecognizeText API. Not sure if this is causing any conflict.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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