CloudWatch Action says successful but not actioned


I have previously had an issue with machines staying running and making large bills. To avoid this I setup a CloudWatch Alarm that if the ec2 instance had less than 10% CPU utilization for 5 data points in 25 mins it would shut down. That seemed to work for a couple of months, but this month when I signed on I saw an instance that should have been shutdown still running. This also is projecting to go over my budget but didn't alarm there as it hasn't actually gone over yet :) Bill Dashboard projection

I checked the logs in case I had blocked it somehow but this is the history event:

Successfully executed action arn:aws:swf:ap-southeast-2:86607xxxxxxxx:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0
  "alarmName": "awsec2-i-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-LessThanThreshold-CPUUtilization",
  "alarmType": "MetricAlarm",
  "timestamp": "2022-10-19T23:39:12.488Z",
  "historyItemType": "Action",
  "historySummary": "Stop EC2 Instance 'i-xxxxxxxxxxxx' action completed successfully",
  "historyData": {
    "actionState": "Succeeded",
    "stateUpdateTimestamp": 1666222752019,
    "notificationResource": "arn:aws:swf:ap-southeast-2:86607xxxxxxxxx:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0",
    "publishedMessage": null,
    "error": null

Is there something I may have done to stop the event from actually shutting the machine down? I was confident it had worked as it kicked me off while I was using it. Thanks!

1 Antwort

You should check the following:

  • CloudWatch Logs to view if there was activity in your EC2 instances.
  • CloudWatch Metrics to view if the CPU Utilization is actually reaching 10%.
  • CloudTrail to see if a user or a service are starting your EC2 instances.
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