Running .net application on ec2 windows instance


I have a .net windows application (exe) which I would like to run on my windows ec2 instance.

I can run it on my computer at home but it doesnt even load (no error or any message) when I try to run it.

The application connects to a remote api and database. (it has no publisher credentials)

I am new to this. What are the general /most common settings I am missing here to get it to work? Both aws and windows firewall settings for example.

2 Antworten

Couple questions - do you have .NET framework installed? Open Powershell to validate Also, if it needs to be hosted on IIS, make sure it is properly configured(permissions etc)

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

I offer you adding some debug code lines to your app to detect the cause of an error

or you can check eventviewer & application permissions (uac settings) etc. / security group settings

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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