AWS Lex dialogAction: { type: 'ConfirmIntent' } only allowing values like ok, yes, no


HI, When i send dialogAction: { type: 'ConfirmIntent' } as lex response from lambda it only allowing values like OK, yes, No only before Lex on aug17 it allows all the values. Please help me to do how to allow all value when it is confirmintent and also i used other dialog action type.

  • Hello, can you help us better understand your use-case of capturing 'all the values' with ConfirmIntent? ConfirmIntent is designed to get customer confirmation before fulfillment. Confirmation will always resolve to Yes or No.

  • Hi there, did you use both v1 and v2 to confirm that this is a version update issue? Also is it possible you are confusing the ElicitIntent type with the ConfirmIntent type?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren70 Aufrufe
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