Are we billed a put-request for each part with s3 multipart upload or only once for the final merged file?


as per the title. I'm wondering if the cost of a multipart upload is more expensive than uploading a single part due to being billed a put request for each individual part.

The documentation is quite clear than the storage fee will apply for each part, but I found it ambiguous when it came to request fees.

Similarly, the S3 pricing page specifically lists "put" as a chargeable action, but does not include the "UploadPart" API call. It doesn't mention it at all, not even to indicate that there is no charge.

All other questions I could find about it focus on performance, parallel uploads, etc. none of them talk about costs.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1400 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Note that each UploadPart is a PUT request. Each PUT request for s3 multipart upload is chargeable.

Let's say you want to upload an object in 3 parts:

Initiate: PUT1 (A CreateMultipartUpload call to start the process)
part 1: PUT2
part 2: PUT3
part 3: PUT4
Complete: PUT5 (A CompleteMultipartUpload call to finish the process)

Charge will be for 5 PUT requests in this case.

MPU upload process - (Refer 'Sample multipart upload calls')

Another example (below) from -

If the source object is uploaded using the multipart upload feature, then it is replicated using the same number of parts and part size. For example, a 100 GB object uploaded using the multipart upload feature (800 parts of 128 MB each) will incur request cost associated with 802 requests (800 Upload Part requests + 1 Initiate Multipart Upload request + 1 Complete Multipart Upload request) when replicated. You will incur a request charge of $0.00401 (802 requests x $0.005 per 1,000 requests) and (if the replication was between different AWS Regions) a charge of $2.00 ($0.020 per GB transferred x 100 GB) for inter-region data transfer. After replication, the 100 GB will incur storage charges based on the destination region.

Refer to s3 pricing page for region-based pricing -

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

many thanks for the detailed answer!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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