Unshaded java dependencies in the AthenaJDBC jar


Not really a question, really -- more of a bug report, but I can't find a better channel for this.

It looks like the AthenaJDBC42- contains a set of Apache Commons dependency classes which have not been "shaded" to avoid collision with other dependency jars; for example:

  268 Wed Jan 22 15:10:16 GMT 2020 org/apache/commons/codec/BinaryDecoder.class
   268 Wed Jan 22 15:10:16 GMT 2020 org/apache/commons/codec/BinaryEncoder.class
   588 Wed Jan 22 15:10:16 GMT 2020 org/apache/commons/codec/CharEncoding.class
  1286 Wed Jan 22 15:10:16 GMT 2020 org/apache/commons/codec/Charsets.class

Compare vs the Jackson dependency classes, which have been correctly shaded into the "com.simba.athena" package scope:

  449 Sun Mar 06 19:20:24 GMT 2022 com/simba/athena/shaded/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotation.class
   333 Sun Mar 06 19:20:24 GMT 2022 com/simba/athena/shaded/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotationValue.class
   542 Sun Mar 06 19:20:24 GMT 2022 com/simba/athena/shaded/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotationsInside.class

The unfortunate result of that for us was some NoSuchMethodError exceptions thrown from our code when it tried to use the Apache Commons CSVFormat lib:

Exception in thread "pool-001" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat.builder()Lorg/apache/commons/csv/CSVFormat$Builder;

Could this be fixed?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren90 Aufrufe
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