Setting device PIN on AWS Device Farm



We are interested in using AWS Device Farm. Due to security reasons the app works only on real devices and only when any sort of authentication is set on the device - face id, touch id or simply PIN.

Of course unlocking device with face or touch id would require human interaction while we prefer full automation. Hence let's focus on the device PIN feature. With the Appium framework we are able to unlock a device and enter the PIN programmatically (tested on local machines). But we have a question about AWS Device Farm. Is it possible to set a device PIN on devices in AWS Device Farm before running our tests using Appium? If so, how can we achieve it?

Kind regards, Lukasz

gefragt vor 8 Monaten227 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi, device PIN is not natively supported, but you can follow this guide ( to set and remove device PIN.

Additionally, you can explore Device Farm's private device offering (, using which you have more flexibility on device settings.

beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

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