How do I find out why I'm being charged for app sync and open search service?


My app is in beta, so it's not really being used, I received a spike in my bill because of app sync and open search service. I can't figure out why this charge is happening or who triggered it. Could someone help me?

1 Antwort


I'd recommend opening a billing related case in our Support center. Our team has the tools and visibility to assist with billing questions there. You can access the support center here:

Here's also an official doc to assist with viewing your bill in the meantime:

Hope these help!

Best regards,


profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
überprüft vor 2 Jahren
  • Thanks, Ann! I spoke with the billing center and they said I would need a technical case to explain why there were charges in Virginia even though no one is using the app.

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