IoT disconnected lifecycle event is not generated on device power/network loss


I've found that the disconnected lifecycle event ($aws/events/presence/disconnected/clientId) is not generated if the IoT device loses power or network access. It seems the disconnected event is only generated if the mqtt client can send a disconnect. If the device loses power/network that obviously isn't possible.

What's the best approach to handling this?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1060 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Hi james-ld. It will be generated, but only after the keep-alive timeout expires. This is the MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT disconnect reason described here:

If there is no client-server communication for 1.5x of the client's keep-alive time, the client is disconnected.

The keep-alive timeout can be set from the client side when the MQTT connection is established. For example, with the embedded C SDK: However, IoT Core will treat any value less than 30 as 30:

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I will give that a try. Thanks

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