About SES Iimit


Hi all , I am Building an application where I have usecase to send bulk emails to user count may be 1)1 million per day and 2)need per second email limit to more than 100 3) we need to bypass the identity verification limit more than 10000

Is it acchievable using SES ? please reply if you aware of


1 Antwort


I think Amazon SES may not be the best fit for sending bulk emails at the scale and rate that you want for the following reasons -

  • SES has a default sending rate limit of 1 email per second. To send over 100 emails per second would require a significant quota increase that may not be feasible.
  • SES identity verification is limited to 10,000 identities per AWS region.
  • I would recommend - Amazon Pinpoint - A marketing and engagement platform that can handle higher email volumes and rates than SES. Identity limits are also higher.

For reference - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/manage-sending-quotas.html




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