AWS Patching activity failed on Linux


AWS Patching activity failed on Linux due to the following issue. Below are logs of output errors(short).

Using Yum version: 3.4.3
Using python binary: 'python2.7'
Using Python Version: Python 2.7.18
08/07/2023 12:23:33 root [INFO]: Downloading payload from
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Attempting to import entrance file os_selector
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Running with snapshot id =  and operation = Install
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Region: us-east-1
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Product: AmazonLinux2
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Patch Group: Linux-Dev
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Operation type: Install
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Patch Baseline: {u'approvedPatchesEnableNonSecurity': False, u'baselineId': u'pb-0be8c61cde3be63f3', u'name': u'AWS-AmazonLinux2DefaultPatchBaseline', u'modifiedTime': 1529573225.252, u'description': u'Default Patch Baseline for Amazon Linux 2 Provided by AWS.', 
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Reboot Option: RebootIfNeeded
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Unable to initialize exit code reporting: No metrics ID from server
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: Checking if it is a Patch Policy execution.
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [INFO]: This execution has been identified as a Patch Classic execution.
08/07/2023 12:23:34 root [WARNING]: Unable to gain necessary access for possible kernel updates, code: 1.
08/07/2023 12:23:45 root [INFO]: Loading patch snapshot from snapshot.json
08/07/2023 12:23:45 root [INFO]: {u'installOverrideList': u'', u'product': u'AmazonLinux2', u'instanceId': Baseline for Amazon Linux 2 Provided by AWS.'}, u'patchGroup': u'Linux-Dev', u'snapshotId': u'f9848f-8c8b107a1e79', u'operation': u'Install', u'patchPolicy': False}
08/07/2023 12:23:45 root [INFO]: Reading Local Configuration file
08/07/2023 12:23:45 root [INFO]: {u'kbd-misc.noarch:0:1.15.5-13.amzn2}
Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, update-motd
274 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
08/07/2023 12:23:58 root [INFO]: requested datatype updateinfo not available
Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, update-motd
274 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, update-motd
274 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
08/07/2023 12:24:16 root [INFO]: requested datatype updateinfo not available
08/07/2023 12:24:18 root [INFO]: Package name: grub2-tools, arch: x86_64 to be updated to epoch: 1, version: 2.06, release: 14.amzn2
08/07/2023 12:24:18 root [INFO]: Package name: grub2, arch: x86_64 to be updated to epoch: 1, version: 2.06, release: 14.amzn2
08/07/2023 12:24:18 root [INFO]: Package name: kernel-tools, arch: x86_64 to be updated to epoch: 0, version: 4.14.320, release: 242.534.amzn2
274 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, update-motd
274 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
08/07/2023 12:24:24 root [INFO]: requested datatype updateinfo not available
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Kernel livepatch currently not enabled for the instance.
8/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]:  Instance is Non-Compliant with severity of INFORMATIONAL 
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Updating patch state configuration
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Updating local configuration file
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Saving inventory to local configuration directory
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Start to upload patch compliance.
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Summary: {'ContentHash': '9bf0b85a31fa29dbc59312d8', 'TypeName': 'AWS:PatchSummary', 'SchemaVersion': '1.0', 'CaptureTime': '2023-08-07T12:24:47Z', 'Content': [{'OperationStartTime': '2023-08-07T12:23:45Z', 'BaselineId': u'pb-0be8c61cde3be63f3', 'InstalledPendingRebootCount': '0', 'FailedCount': '3', 'MissingCount': '0', 'NotApplicableCount': '4873', 'RebootOption': u'RebootIfNeeded', 'OperationEndTime': '2023-08-07T12:24:47Z', 'SecurityNonCompliantCount': '3', 'PatchGroup': u'Linux-Dev', 'ExecutionId': '54fb8a4b1e71', 'InstalledRejectedCount': '0', 'OtherNonCompliantCount': '0', 'InstalledOtherCount': '354', 'CriticalNonCompliantCount': '0', 'SnapshotId': u'f91f615c-ed-8c8b107a1e79', 'NonCompliantSeverity': 'INFORMATIONAL', 'InstalledCount': '98', 'OperationType': u'Install'}]}
08/07/2023 12:24:47 root [INFO]: Report is unchanged, attempting partial upload
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Upload complete.
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Report upload successful.
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Reboot is not required
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [ERROR]: Failure occurred in the operation, patching exit code is 1 and inventory exit code is 1
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [INFO]: Reboot is not required
08/07/2023 12:24:48 root [ERROR]: Failure occurred in the operation, patching exit code is 1 and inventory exit code is 1
  • I'm experiencing the same problem, logs look exactly the same. OS is AmazonLinux2, SSM Agent version

gefragt vor 10 Monaten960 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Can you confirm the SSM patch and OS Version please.

profile picture
beantwortet vor 10 Monaten

Hello, I am experiencing the same error.

SSM Patch Version: patch-baseline-operations-1.110 OS Version: AmazonLinux2

John S
beantwortet vor 9 Monaten

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