Limiting crowd-bounding-box to only one label


Hi folks

I am trying to create a template where someone bounds an object in the source image, and then writes a description of the object. For this I want to limit the users to only creating one bounding box. Any way to do this easily using the crowd-bounding-box template? Can not find anything online within the last hour that helps.


gefragt vor 4 Jahren235 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


You can add onsubmit validation and show an error message.

This code sample shows how to do it for <crowd-keypoint>

It should be straightforward to re-use that code for <crowd-bounding-box> but please let me know if you get stuck.


beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thanks for the response. Your link was really helpful, this is the javascript code I ended up using to achieve what I wanted. I just check if one and only one label is being submitted, otherwise i return an error to the user and prevent them from submitting the hit.

For anyone looking to do this, you also need to add <div id="errorBox"></div> to the top of the crowd-form.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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