Where can I find a comprehensive list of the billing codes used by cost explorer?


I am running down costs with cost explorer and codes are used for the services and usage type such as: USE2-Storage.SSD.200 USE2-Storage.HDD.12.RC20

I am routinely searching the web for an explanation to these codes. I particularly can't find the second code shown above anywhere. I know it is FSx but what is the RC20? Is there a link I can bookmark that comprehensively explains these?

gefragt vor einem Jahr453 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

You can use the AWS pricing API or SDK to get information about the attributes for the services used in those billing codes:

Here's is a link providing an example for Amazon FSx: https://www.saisci.com/aws/amazon-fsx-aws-pricing-api-all-attribute-names-and-values/

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