Error(s) connecting Lightsail to existing domain


I have a number of domains (in R53).

If I go to the "Domains & DNS" tab in Lightsail - all my domains show, but some of them have the error/message: "It looks like you aren't authorized to view the domain verification status.".

In one domain, where it has this message, I double checked the R53 entries for both the registered domain detail (nameservers) and the hosted zone (NS record) and they match.

gefragt vor einem Jahr197 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Thank You for reporting this issue. Those are just transient errors in viewing the email-confirmation status of your Route53 registered domains on Lightsail console and do not impact the actual domains, hosted zone, records or DNS routing, etc.

It sounds like your are using Route53 Hosted Zones for your DNS management in place of Lightsail DNS Zones. So for any resources in Lightsail that you would like to add to your DNS management, please add respective hosted-zone records via Route53 console and the DNS routing should work. Please let us know if you are facing any trouble with this.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 10 Monaten

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