Glue Python Shell Job's print() outputs not visible in Cloudwatch.


I wrote a Python Shell job on AWS glue and it is throwing "Out of Memory Error". I have added print() function to view the outputs in the Cloudwatch logs of the lines that are successfully executed but I cannot see the outputs on CloudWatch - neither in error logs nor in output logs. Additionally, I am also not able to see which line's execution is causing this "Out of Memory Error" even in the error logs. The only logs I can see is that of Installation of Python modules.
I have tried running the Glue Job multiple times but haven't been able to see the things that I mentioned above anytime. Can someone help me out here?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1102 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

It could be erroring out before its able to write to Cloudwatch . Try increasing it to 1 DPU and check if anything pops out .

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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