Connecting AppSync with Redshift via Data API



I'm looking for reasources that exaplin how to connect AppSync with Redshift via Data API.
According to this, it should be supported:

However, I did not see Redshift as an option when defining a Data Source in AppSync.
Do you know if we need to use a Lambda to bridge between AppSync and Redshift, or is there support for a direct connection?


gefragt vor 3 Jahren724 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I reached out to AWS Support and received this response:
"As of now, AppSync is not able to integrate with Redshift directly and you would need to have a Lambda function to bridge between AppSync and Redshift. A list of the supported Datasources and operations can be found here [2]. However, since this is documentation [1] is mentioning that it is possible, I will reach out to the service team to confirm if this is an issue with the documentations and will get back to you as soon as I hear back from them."
And this followup:
"I have reached out the AppSync service team and confirmed that there is no direct way to integrate with Data API of Redshift, there is currently a feature request regarding that, but we do not have any ETA on when this feature will be released."

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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