Access Issue with video


Hi friends,

I am having issue getting video from an S3 object to play in an external player. I am sure that I have set the bucket permissions to PUBLIC but cannot get the video to play.

Is there anything I can try to double check I have allowed the object to be 'public'?

Thanks for your help.


  • Could you expand a little on "having issue"? If you test the URL with (say) curl or wget does it work and the issue you're having is only in the browser? Or is it a permissions problem as you suggest (no access method works)?

gefragt vor einem Jahr207 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Is the bucket policy set up to allow get and list from outside?

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hi Riku, thanks for replying. As far as I am aware I made the bucket public with full access so that I can stream video from AWS to an external player.

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