UDP 5060 port is closed


Hi, I am trying to open port 5060 in EC2 security group But even if I add it it's still closed

Custom UDP UDP 5060 – – IPv4 Custom UDP UDP 5160 - 5161 – – IPv4 Custom UDP UDP 1194 – – IPv4 Custom UDP UDP 10000 - 20000 – – IPv4 Custom UDP UDP 5060 - 5061

1 Antwort

How can you tell it is closed? What tool(s) are you using to test? On the instance (assuming it is Linux - you don't mention your OS) you can use a few tools to see if the operating system is listening on that port because remotely initiated tests may not be reliable for UDP (no pun intended).

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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