Error authenticating to connector: Unauthorized request: msg=The request to SAP failed with the status code: 401 and SAP error message: Unauthorized.


Hi, I have created XSODATA to expose SAP Hana tables. I am trying to use that to extract by Appflow. I am getting the below error:

Error authenticating to connector: Unauthorized request: msg=The request to SAP failed with the status code: 401 and SAP error message: Unauthorized.

Below are few more details:

  1. In the Client Number, I have put in 000
  2. There is SSO enabled on my SAP systems. In Appflow, I have tried to bypass the SSO.
  3. we dont have SAP BW stack.

Please suggest, if its possible to use XSODATA in Appflow for extraction of data.

gefragt vor 7 Monaten167 Aufrufe
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