Deploy lambdas in parallel with CodeBuild


I have a CodePipeline configured with my single GitHub repo to trigger build & deploy on any commit.

My repo contains dozens of individual lambda functions.

The pre_build step does a full clean & restore. Then in the build step, I have a long list of commands like this:

- dotnet build -c Debug
- cd folder1
- dotnet lambda deploy-function --configuration Debug --region $Region --config-file aws-lambda-tools-test.json
- cd ../folder2
- dotnet lambda deploy-function --configuration Debug --region $Region --config-file aws-lambda-tools-test.json
- cd ../folder3
- dotnet lambda deploy-function --configuration Debug --region $Region --config-file aws-lambda-tools-test.json

My question is, is there any way for me to execute these deployments in parallel?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren663 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

CodeBuild batch support a matrix build where a build matrix defines tasks with different configurations that run in parallel. CodeBuild creates a separate build for each possible configuration combination.

Consider extending your pipeline to include CodeDeploy which supports deployment groups for grouping AWS Lambda functions in a CodeDeploy deployment.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Matrix build (and the other options outlined in that linked doc) is what I was looking for. Thanks.


I would suggest to pick CodeBuild compute type to support the required parallelism, and then use a Makefile with parallel execution.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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