Unable to create input in MediaLive



I have elemental link device with me and i am trying to create input in Medialive but unsuccessful and getting below error.

Error creating input TooManyRequestsException: You have created as many device inputs as your current service limit of 0

gefragt vor 8 Monaten254 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

You may need to up your Device Inputs limit for the account MediaLive is run in. In the AWS Console, go to Service Quotas and search for MediaLive. Look at the number of Device Inputs listed and check against what appears in the MediaLive console under Link Device inputs. If it has reached the limit, you will need to request an increase in the Service Quotas console.

In order for Elemental Link devices to be recognized by an accounts MediaLive, they need to be assigned to the account and in a specific AWS Region. If they are assigned to another account that account owner must transfer the Link device to the desired account.

Once an associated Link device is connected, it should appear in the MediaLive console under Link Device Inputs. Then a MediaLive Input must be defined to use that Link Device. The Input can then be connected to a MediaLive Channel.

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten
  • Thanks for your response, i checked the service quota i found the below :

    Utilization Not available Applied quota value 100 AWS default quota value 100 Adjustability Account-level


I doubt you need to check service limit, if not, open support ticket to increase service limit. Thanks.

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten
  • Thanks for your response, i checked the service quota i found the below :

    Utilization Not available Applied quota value 100 AWS default quota value 100 Adjustability Account-level

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