Athena recursive cte NOT_SUPPORTED: Recursion depth limit exceeded (10). Use 'max_recursion_depth'


Hi, Trying to use a recursive cte with Athena and I get this error :

NOT_SUPPORTED: Recursion depth limit exceeded (10). Use 'max_recursion_depth' session property to modify the limit.

How would I set this session property from the console ? Thanks!

gefragt vor einem Jahr1356 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Using the WITH clause to create recursive queries is not supported.

Please share your SQL if you are not using WITH clause.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Athena engine v3 supports recursive query per the doc link above.

Using the WITH clause to create recursive queries is supported starting in Athena engine version 3. The maximum recursion depth is 10.

I too would like to know how to set the the limit in the console. Is there a hard limit?

beantwortet vor 3 Monaten

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