Did not understand performAutoML in Amazon Personalize


In the documentation it says that when performAutoML is set to true, amazon personalize analyzes your training data and selects the optimal USER_PERSONALIZATION recipe and hyperparameters. In this case, you must omit recipeArn.

  1. What does it mean by selecting the optimal USER_PERSONALIZATION recipe..are there multiple USER_PERSONALIZATION recipes? When looking at the documentation, it seemed like there was only one and we would use it's recipeArn while creating a solution.

  2. It also says AutoML lengthens the training process as compared to selecting a specific recipe. So what's the cost difference (approximately) if we set it to False vs True? Is it very significant?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren273 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Before the User-Personalization recipe was released, we had three (now legacy) recipes. These recipes are still available for use, but User-Personalization is the recommended recipe for most use cases, so AutoML now has limited value. It is difficult to estimate how much longer the training time will be, because each recipe is very different and will have a different training time, but the difference is significant.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Okay, thanks got it.

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