upgrading to latest version of transformers for machine learning in sagemaker?


I'm running some experiments which requires transformer version greater than 4.17. to upgrade to latest , can i simply install newer version in my own container ?


FROM 763104351884.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/huggingface-pytorch-inference:1.10.2-transformers4.17.0-gpu-py38-cu113-ubuntu20.04

RUN pip install 'transformers==4.24.0'
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1 Antwort


The more canonical way to do such update in Python is to use the file 'requirements.txt' (that should probably also be present in your image at top of your python project) and update the project with the version you need and then run pip install -r requirements.txt.

See https://learnpython.com/blog/python-requirements-file/ for more details



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