ALB as reverse proxy with home server as target


I am trying to use a ALB as a reverse proxy to send traffic to my home server,

I got an API Gateway to do this but then realised API Gateway only supports HTTP/HTTPS whereas I am also using which makes use of web sockets and extra packet data.

I can't seem to find a proxy option in the API Gateway web sockets flavour.

So I thought that an ALB as a proxy would resolve this issue, but I can't seem to set the target IP in a target group as anything outside of a VPC and I want to set it as my home address.

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

There are some limitations on IP targets for ALBs (full details here:

Specifically, you cannot specify a publicly routable address as a target, unless it is in the subnet of the VPC for the target group. Otherwise, it has to be in (,,, or

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