Elastic IPs for internal private services


Can someone please clarify if use an Elastic IP for load balancing/HA of internal services, does the traffic from internal clients (located on the private subnet) to the elastic IP end up being routed to the internet?

Does the internet gateway avoid that traffic from being routed outside of AWS?
No clients should access the elastic IP from outside the private subnet, at all.
All traffic must be segregated from the internet, staying completely enclosed on the private side.


Edited by: jlerm on Jan 26, 2019 7:22 PM

Edited by: jlerm on Jan 26, 2019 7:23 PM

Edited by: jlerm on Jan 26, 2019 7:24 PM

gefragt vor 5 Jahren240 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren


Thank you for reaching out to us on AWS Forums. Yes, you are correct. You can always use an internal Elastic Load Balancer if your clients are connecting privately and you do not want the traffic to be routed over the internet.

Edited by: Charu-aws on Feb 17, 2019 11:01 PM

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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